Graston Therapy was originally conceived by an amateur athlete who suffered a debilitating knee injury while water skiing. Frustrated at the lack of rehabilitation progress following surgery and conventional therapy, he decided to apply his own professional background in machining to create several instruments to treat his soft tissue injury.
Experiencing early success on his own knee, he collaborated with medical and research personnel at Ball Memorial Hospital and Ball State University in Muncie, IN to fully develop a technique and a set of instruments. As a result of this collaborative effort, Graston Technique therapy was born.
In 1994, TherapyCare Resources Inc., the parent company of Graston Technique therapy, was born. They opened an outpatient clinic in Indianapolis, where outcome data was gathered on a wide range of chronic and acute injuries. Five years later, the company turned all of its attention to teaching and training clinicians and continued research on the technique.
Practitioners are able to feel abnormalities and dysfunction in connective tissue by using hyper smooth instruments.
They can treat a wide range of ailments, including chronic and acute conditions, edema, and motor control issues.
The natural manual ability to receive immediate feedback for longer durations is enhanced and magnified by die-casted stainless steel.
The instruments are conductive and may allow for pain modulation by using Electrical Stimulation (E-Stim) when necessary.
- Effectively assess tissue for abnormalities or dysfunction with instruments.
- Perform treatment using any number of Graston Technique’s 14 unique treatment strokes.
- Use a unique protocol that includes active exercise to promote tissue remodeling.