Chakra 4 the Heart Chakra. The Sanskrit name is Anahata
The 4th Chakra is the Heart Chakra. The Sanskrit name is Anahata
Chakra 4 is directly associated with compassion and love.
The Heart Chakra affects the thymus, heart, breasts, arms, lungs, circulation, and immune system.
It also influences thoughts about harmony, the power of love, sharing, giving, and receiving.
Sound therapy: YAM
Note: F-639Hz
Vowel: Aww
Aromatherapy: wintergreen, balsam fir, cardamon, eucalyptus
crystal/stones: aventurine, emerald, rose quartz, fluorite
Affirmation: I have unconditional love for myself and others
What To Do:
- Set your intentions and affirmations.
- Breathe in.
- Hold 5 seconds.
- Breathe out the mantra LAM
- Repeat 5 times.
- Let go, clear your mind, and Recharge!